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December Edition
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Business Information Systems Project Success or Failure Factors for an Organization e-Transformation Approaches

by Munir El Khatib, Riktesh Srivastava
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Munir El Khatib, Riktesh Srivastava

Munir El Khatib, Riktesh Srivastava . Business Information Systems Project Success or Failure Factors for an Organization e-Transformation Approaches. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 6, 6 ( December 2013), 35-41. DOI=10.5120/ijais13-451070

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Exhausting the Project Management Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), enactment of business information system in an organizational e-transformation can be noticed as an assortment of Information Systems associated within the business processes. The concern with the aligning business processes with Information Systems always upraised the challenges of success or failures. The study is an attempt to identify various reasons of success or failure of alignment, by considering three factors: 1. The best enterprise Business Information Systems alignment. 2. The success of each Information Systems project, and 3. The integration and interdependencies of the Information Systems projects This paper collects the causes of project success and failure from many means, comprising, list of literatures accessible and finest practices in developing and instigating Information Systems Projects – classified and grouped them, and linked them to Business-IS alignment, to conclude that in most cases the main reasons behind project success or failure is mishandling the project business context.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Business Information Systems e-Transformation Business-IS alignment Information System Project Management IS Success Factors IS Failure Factors.