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Improvement Analyses of a Photovoltaic System Controlled by the MPPT Command Perturb and Observe

by Abdelhadi El Moudden, Ikram Bohadria, Abdelali Aarib, Widad Driouich, Abdelhamid Hmidat
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 9 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Abdelhadi El Moudden, Ikram Bohadria, Abdelali Aarib, Widad Driouich, Abdelhamid Hmidat

Abdelhadi El Moudden, Ikram Bohadria, Abdelali Aarib, Widad Driouich, Abdelhamid Hmidat . Improvement Analyses of a Photovoltaic System Controlled by the MPPT Command Perturb and Observe. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 9, 4 ( July 2015), 56-63. DOI=10.5120/ijais15-451402

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title = { Improvement Analyses of a Photovoltaic System Controlled by the MPPT Command Perturb and Observe },
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%A Ikram Bohadria
%A Abdelali Aarib
%A Widad Driouich
%A Abdelhamid Hmidat
%T Improvement Analyses of a Photovoltaic System Controlled by the MPPT Command Perturb and Observe
%J International Journal of Applied Information Systems
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This paper will discuss the study, analysis and simulation of a photovoltaic (PV) electrical system performance adapted to a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) command for ensuring the pursuit of the maximum power supplied by the generator. To attain this purpose, the focus was on obtaining a system which presents a better adaptation between its various components: Photovoltaic generator (GPV) and load. The proposed approach is a (MPPT) command based on the algorithm perturb and observe, the role of which is to fix the optimal tension to the (GPV) output. The control carried out allows searching for the Maximum Power Point (MPP). The results obtained show that the controller used manages to force the system to operate at a maximum output power of (GPV) independently of the weather conditions and of the variation of the load. In this analysis, the conceived system is a (GPV) of the type SP75 producing, under standard test conditions (STC), a peak power of 75 W, an optimal current of 4. 41A and an optimal tension of 17. 2 V.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MPPT MPP Photovoltaic System Photovoltaic Generator Perturb & Observe Command GPV PV.