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Reseach Article

Prospective Research Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks

by Hathal Salamah A. Alwageed
International Journal of Applied Information Systems
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 9 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Hathal Salamah A. Alwageed

Hathal Salamah A. Alwageed . Prospective Research Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Applied Information Systems. 9, 6 ( September 2015), 17-27. DOI=10.5120/ijais2015451426

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Dynamic starting late there has been a creating energy for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Late movements in the field of sensing, enrolling and exchanges have pulled in examination attempts and colossal endeavors from distinctive quarters in the field of WSN. Also such sensing networks will reveal as of now in mystery phenomena. The diverse areas where noteworthy examination activities proceeding in the field of WSN are exploitation, localization, synchronization, data gathering/aggregation, dissemination, database addressing or querying, structural design, middleware, security, sketching out less power exhausting contraptions (devices), and towering algorithms for specific dilemmas of WSN’s. Here we give an outline of constant investigation works out, distinctive arrangement issues included and possible game plans melding these issues.

  1. ”E.M.Royer et al”, “A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad hoc Wireless Mobile Networks”, IEEE Personal Communications, April 1999, pp 46-55.
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  6. D.Culler, D.Estrin and M.Srivastava, “Overview of Sensor Networks”, IEEE Computer Society, August 2004.
  8. ”Levis, P et al”, ”The emergence of networking abstractions and techniques in tinyos”, Proceedings of the First USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation , NSDI 2004.
  9. ”H.Abrach, et al, “MANTIS: System support for multimodal networks of in-situ sensors”, In 2nd ACM International Workshop on Wireless sensor networks and Applications, pages 50-59, 2003.
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  12. ”D.Gay et al”, “The nesc language: A holistic approach to networked embedded systems”, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2003 conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation , San Diego, California, USA.
  13. ”A.Eswaran et al”, “Nano-RK: An energy aware Resource Centric RTOS for sensor networks”, In proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS’05) 2005, pp: 256-265.
  14. ”M.Vieira et al”, “Survey on Wireless sensor Network Devices”, In proceedings of Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2003 IEEE Conference, Volume: 1, 16-19, September 2003, pp: 537-544.
  16. ”P.Zhang et al”, “Hardware Design Experiences in ZebraNet”, In proceedings of SenSys’04, November 3-5, 2004, Baltimore, USA.
  18. ”D.Puccinelli et al”,”Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications and Challenges of Ubiquitous Sensing”, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2005, pp: 19:31.
  19. ”J.Hill et al”,”The Platforms Enabling Wireless Sensor Networks”, Communications of the ACM, June 2004/Vol 47.No.6
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  23. ”A.P Chandrakasan et al”, “An Architecure for a Power-Aware Distributed Microsensor Nodes”, In IEEE workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS’00), Lafayette, LA, Oct.2000.
  24. ”Y.Zhou et al”, “Overview of Power-Efficient MAC and Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronics and Embedded systems and applications, August 2006, pp 1-6.
  25. ”P.P.Czapski”, “A Survey: MAC Protocols for Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks”, In proceedings of TENCON 2006, November 2006, Hongkong pp: 1-4.
  26. ”T.Chiras et al”, “Improved Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks – A study on the S-Mac Protocol”, In proceedings of the 14th IEEE workshop on local and Metropolitan area networks , LANMAN 2005.
  27. ”Wei Ye et al”, “An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Infocomm 2002.
  28. ”Ilker Demirkol et al”, “MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey”, IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2006.
  29. ”A. Warrier et al”, “Mitigating Starvation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Military Communications Conference, 2006, MILCOm 2006, pp 1-5.
  30. ”R.Lin et al”, “Energy Efficient Medium Access Controls for Wireless Sensor Networks and Its State of Art”, IEEE 2004.
  31. ”K.Dantu et al”, “RoboMote: Enabling mobility in sensor networks”, In IEEE/ACM Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN/SPOTS) April 2005.
  32. ”C. Wang et al”, “A Survey of Transport Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Network June 2006. Vol:20, Issue:3, pp:34-40.
  33. ”V.S.Mansouri et al”, “A Simple Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In proceedings of ISSNIP 2005.
  34. ”Chien-Yih Wan et al”, “Pump-Slowly, Fetch-Quickly (PSFQ): A Reliable Transport Protocol for Sensor Networks”, IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications, Vol 23, No 4, April 2005.
  35. ”O.B.Akan et al”, “Even To Sink Reliable Transport in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 13, No 5, October 2005.
  36. ”Limin Wang”,”Survey on Sensor Networks”, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Michigan State University 2004.
  37. ”D.Ganesan et al”, “Networking Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Elsevier Science, 9th December 2005.
  38. ”W.R.Heinzelman et al”, “Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks”, IEEE Proc. Hawaii Int’l Conference. Jan 2000, pp 1-10.
  39. ”P.Jiang et al”, ”A Study of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 21-23, 2006, Dalian, China.
  40. ”R.Govindan et al”, ”Directed Diffusion: A scalable and robust communication paradigm for Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of the sixth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Neworking(MOBICOM 2000), Boston MA, USA: ACM Press, August 2000, pp 56-67
  41. ”Matthias Ringwald et al”, “Deployment of Sensor Networks: Problems and Passive Inspection”, In proceedings of Fifth International workshop on Intelligent solutions in embedded systems, Madrid, Spain 2007.
  42. ”Ashar Ahmed et al”, “Wired Vs Wireless Deployment Support for Wireless sensor Networks”, TENCON 2006, IEEE region 10 conference, 1-3.
  43. ”J.Li et al”, “POWER: Planning and Deployment Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing Workshops (GCCW’06), IEEE 2006.
  44. ”Xia Zhenjie et al”, ”A Localization Scheme with Mobile Beacon for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on ITS Telecommunications Proceedings 2006.
  45. ”R.Kumar Patro”, ”Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks with mobile beacons”, 23rd IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, 2004, pp 22-24.
  46. ”A.Savvides et al”, “Dynamic fine grained Localization in Ad hoc networks of sensors”, In proc of Mobicom 2001, 166-179, July 2001.
  47. ”S. Pandy et al”, ”Localization of Sensor Networks considering energy accuracy tradeoffs”, In proceedings of International conference on Collaborative computing: Networking, Applications and worksharing, 19-21 Dec 2005.
  48. ”Lingxuan et al”, ”Localization for mobile sensor networks”, In proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Mobile computing and Networking, Philadelphia 26th September-1 October 2004
  49. ”Jeremy Elson et al”,”Wireless Sensor Networks: A New Regime for Time Synchronization”, In proceedings of the First Workshop on Hop Topics in Networks 28-29 October 2002, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  50. ”S.PalChaudhuri et al”,”Adaptive Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks”, IPSN’04, April 26-27, Berkeley, California, USA.
  51. ”F.Sivrikaya et al”,”Time Synchronization in Sensor Networks: A Survey”, IEEE Network July/August 2004.
  52. ”Bychkovskiy V et al”,”A Collaborative Approach to In place Sensor Calibration”, 2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN’03), Polo Alto, April 2003, pages 301-316.
  53. ”J.Feng et al”,”Model Based Calibration for Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 22-24 october 2003, Vol: 2, pp:737-742.
  54. ”K.Whitehouse et al”,”Calibration as Parameter Estimation in Sensor Networks”,In Proceedings of WSNA’02 September 28, 2002, Atlanta,Georgia,USA, pp 59-67.
  55. ”K.D.Wong”,”Physical Layer Considerations for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference in Network Sensing and Control, March 2004, pp 1201-06.
  56. ”Tsung-Hsien Lin et al”,”Integrated low power communication system design for wireless sensor networks”, IEEE Communications magazine 2004, pp 142-150.
  57. ”Tilak et al”,”A Taxonomy of Wireless Micro Sensor Network Models”,Mobile Computing and Communication Review, Vol 6, No 2, 2002.
  58. ”R.Rajagopalan et al”,”Data Aggregation Techniques in Sensor Networks: A Survey”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 4th quarter, 2006.
  59. A.Boulis, Saurabh Ganeriwal, Mani B.Srivastava,”Aggregation in Sensor Networks: An energy-accuracy trade-off”, Elseiver, Ad Hoc Networks 1 (2003) 317-331.
  60. ”Xiaoxing Li”,”A survey on Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Project report for CMPT 765, Spring 2006.
  61. ”E.J.Duarte-Melo et al”,”Data gathering wireless sensor networks:Organization and Capacity”, Elsevier, Computer Networks 43 (2003) 519-537.
  62. ”Li Qin Zhuang et al”,”Data management for Wireless Sensor Networks:Research Issues and Challenges”, In proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA2005), June 27-29, Budapest, Hungary.
  63. ”Philippe Bonnet et al”,”Querying the physical world”, IEEE Personal Communications, October 2000.
  64. ”R.Govendan et al”,”The sensor Network as a Database”, Technical report 02-771, Computer Science Department, University of southern California, September 2002.
  65. ”J.C.Navas et al”,”The Network is the Database:Data Management for Highly Distributed Systems”, ACM SIGMOD 2001 May 21-24, Santa Barbara, California USA.
  66. ”A.Deshpande et al”,”Model-Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the 30th VLDB Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2004.
  67. ”S.Ratnasamy et al”,”Data Centric Storage in Sensornets with GHT, A Geographic Hash Table”, Mobile Network and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks, Kluwer, mid 2003.
  68. ”Bose P et al”,”Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Ad hoc Wireless Network”, Wireless Networks, 7(6) (2001) 609-616, also in DealM’99, Seattle, August 1999, 48-45
  69. ”C. Buragohain et al”,”Power Aware Routing for Sensor Databases”, Proceedings of 24th annual joint conference of the IEEE Computer and communications societies, 13-17 March 2005, Volume: 3, pp 1747-1757.
  70. ”J.Gehrke et al”,”Query Processing in Sensor Networks”, IEEE Pervasive computing, Vol. 03, no 1, pp. 46-55, Jan-Mar 2004.
  71. ”Yong Yo et al”,”Query Processing for Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the 2003 CIDR Conference.
  72. ”S.R.Madden et al”,”TinyDB: An Acquisitional Query Processing System for Sensor Networks”,ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol V, No N, 2004.
  73. ”Philippe Bonnet et al”,”Querying the Physical World”,
  76. ”D.Culler et al”,”Towards a sensor network architecture:Lowering the waistline”,Proceedings of the hot topics of in Operating Systems (HotOS’05), International Computer Science Institute 2005.
  77. ”System Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks” by Jason Lester Hill, Ph.D dissertation, University of California at Berkeley.
  78. ”S.Duan et al”,”Exploring Hierarchy Architecture for Wireless Sensor Network Management”, IEEE 2006.
  79. ”Jason Hill et al”,”System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors”, Proceedings of the ninth International conference on architectural support for programming languages and operating systems, pp: 93-104, November 2000, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
  80. ”J.Polastre et al”,”A Unifying Link Abstraction for Wireless Sensor Networks”, SenSys’05, November 2-4, 2005, San Diego, California, USA, ACM 2005.
  81. ”Wensheng Zhang et al”,”Data Dissemination with Ring Based Index for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Transactions on mobile computing, Vol 6, No 7, July 2007.
  82. ”R.Sugihara et al”,”Programming Models for Sensor Networks: A Survey”, ACM Transactions on sensor networks 2006.
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  84. ”E.Cheong et al”,”galsC:A Language for Event-Driven Embedded Systems”, Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE’05), IEEE 2005.
  85. ”U. Bischoff et al”,”A State based Programming Model and System for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communicatins Workshops (PerComW’07).
  86. ”S.Hadim et al”,”Middleware: Middleware Challenges and Approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Distributed Systems online 1541-4922, Published by the IEEE Computer Society, Vol 7, No 3, March 2006.
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  95. ”D.Chen et al”,”QoS Support in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey”, Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Wireless Network (ICWN 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21-24, 2004.
  96. ”M.Younis et al”,”On Handling QoS traffic in Wireless Sensor Network”, Procedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Science 2004.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WSN’s Communication Sensor networks problems